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Where have I been?

Do you ever feel like life is going on without you?
Hey, it’s me, I’m writing again. Wow, it’s been a crazy year so far and time feels like it’s flying by so fast. I feel as though life is happening all around me and I’m trying to figure out a way to make it stop for a while. Lately, I’ve been so terrified of what is to come in the next few months. I’ve looked forward to this moment for the past 6 years and now that it’s here I’m terrified. Graduating in May means it’s time to move, find a job in my field, get an apartment, and build a home. It’s so much change at one time. I knew the past 6 years that graduation would lead to all of this, but there’s nothing I could’ve done to prepare myself. I’m sure there are some opportunities for me to find work in Napa, but not for the work that I intend on doing. Whatever I planned on doing out of college it would mean moving. Whether it be moving an hour south to live near San Francisco or following my dreams and moving across the country to live in New York, I would still have to move away from all of my family. It seems like such an easy decision for people to make. They just pack up and go. I did that this past summer and landed an internship in New York. It felt so freeing to move somewhere new and start life so different from the one you are currently living. I guess at the time I knew I would eventually be returning home so it didn’t feel so scary. In my heart, I felt myself wanting to stay in New York after my internship was over. I felt adjusted to the lifestyle and I was truly happy for the first time in my life. I’m ready to jump into the career of my dreams, but it can feel so scary when that’s the only option you really have left. There is so much to be happy for and I can’t wait to share it all with you.

Searching for my next adventure,


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