Copywriter & Teams Chat Comedian



Napa, California

I've decided I wanted to share something that's actually really embarrassing. I reblogged a post tonight on tumblr that says,

"No matter how many coins you toss into the fountain, or how many fingers you cross, if it's not meant to be it won't happen".

This just spoke to me on a really deep level. Sometimes you fall in love with people who won't love you. It's hard to get over. You'll spend so much time chasing them. All day you'll be thinking about them and just wanting to hear from them. No matter how much you care they won't love you the same way. I will admit that I spent many nights wishing at 11:11 that one day they will notice how much I love them and how good I could be for them. All the nights I wished for them to love me back it wouldn't happen. You can be there through the ups and downs and it'll just never work.

You'll chase, even when you shouldn't. So there you are, sitting on your porch, contemplating life. They aren't a horrible person because they don't love you back. It took me a long time to realize that I should put it all to rest. Let them find love without feeling guilty of hurting you and allow yourself to find someone who loves you.

As a side note don't settle for someone. Find the perfect match for you. If you've gotta take time for yourself do just that. Be happy and be free. Allow yourself to grow. You remember that one thing you've always wanted to do, but have been too afraid... go do it. Live life. Find happiness on your own and once you're in a good place then you can begin to find someone who will add to your glow. 

Know what's good for you. Don't get stuck in a relationship that becomes abusive. You are your own person. Your life and your goals are just as important as anyone else's. The one you choose to be with should support what you want to do. Even if they say, "You are crazy for wanting to do that", wait for the 'but'. If they don't follow it with, "but I support you and will be there to help you achieve just that" then they won't be good for you. Remember that your happiness is important. You might want to please everyone, but sometimes you gotta be selfish and go for what you want so that you can be happy and live your life fulfilled.

I know I began to ramble a little, but I hope this spoke to some people. 



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